Dwarf, Qazami (Sand Dwarves)

The Qazami are an offshoot of the dwarven race that has spent millennia in their desert homes. They have no kingdoms, preferring to live in small clans that dig deep under the desert sands in a constant quest for water and wealth. The two are intricately linked, the most common greeting is, “have you had water today?” and a true sign of wealth is to have soft plush skin.

Water Is Life

Water is everything to the Qazami. Their bodies are thin by dwarven standards, largely because water is the basis of their economy thus many Qazami drink as little as they need. Each family in the clan has its ancestral cistern that it guards as closely as other dwarves guard their gold. Transactions are conducted through water stones; small carven stones each worth one cup of water. This wealth of water is often traded to outsiders, though never in a quantity that endangers the clan.

Desert Adapted

Qazami have a desiccated, dry, ashy and parched appearance. Their skin tends to hang in folds and their eyes are usually bloodshot. When they have enough water they are as robust as their stockier dwarven brethren and can swell to three or even four times their normal size if given free access to unlimited water supplies, but most Qazami prefer to carefully ration their water. Their clan holds lie deep under the sands in bedrock and often are situated near underground water supplies. Where other dwarves tunnel with pick axe through stone, the Qazami have evolved scoop like hands and feet that allow them to move loose sand with ease.

Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Modifiers +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Sand Dwarves are both agile and wise, but also a bit gruff. This ability replaces the standard dwarf ability score modifiers.
  • Burrowing: You can use your scoop like hands and training to move through sand and loose soil with ease. You have a burrow speed of 15 feet. This ability replaces slow and steady, defensive training, and stability.
  • Desert Weapon Training: The Qazami do not dig as deeply as their brethren do and must often face down foes on the desert surface. You are profi cient with the light crossbow, heavy crossbow, handaxe, and battleaxe, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon. This ability replaces weapon training.
  • Sandcunning: Your life has been spent beneath the desert sands. While your clan dwells in the deep bedrock, you still have to pass from there to the surface and negotiate the shifting terrain of the open desert. Whenever you make a Survival check that relates to desert conditions, stability of sand formations, or finding water you gain a +2 racial bonus to the roll. This ability replaces stonecunning.
Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Lost Lands World Setting: Pathfinder Rules Addendum, ©2020, Frog God Games.

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