
The elemental planes team with mingled elements in what is known as the “paraelemental planes.” Fire and earth combine to create great expanses of lethal lava in the paraelemental plane of magma. Water and air spawn vast shards of frigid paraelemental ice. However, some reaches of the elemental planes are far less magnificent. One such case is when elemental earth mingles with elemental water to create the effervescently putrid realm of ooze.

Many horrid creatures are native to the dominion of ooze. In fact, most of the oozes, slimes, and jellies that plague mortals originated from these terrible realms. Primordial in nature, the dripping facelessness of the region’s inhabitants have granted them a bad reputation among mortal-kind. The word slime has become synonymous with danger and even evil.

However, not all ooze is evil. In fact, most oozes and slime are completely neutral; acting purely out of instinct to protect themselves or to feed. Though sentience or benevolence is rare among oozekind, some species do exist that can exhibit both. Such is the case of the multicolored squoles. The squole race began their existence as a collective of amorphous sentient slimes. In order to survive the competition for liveable environments on the volatile paraelemental planes they, they came together and completely altered the form of their entire race. Using alchemical formulas and arcane rituals derived from the creation of gelatinous cubes, they gave themselves a definable and permanent appearance and shape. Squoles used humans, the most well-received race of the multiverse, as a model.

Squoles in your Game

Squoles offer an opportunity to add a character to the party who has very different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to senses. While blindsight has several distinct rewards (see in the dark, immune to blindness, etc), there are also several drawbacks. The first is that squoles are extremely nearsighted…a foe that is only 45 feet away is effectively invisible. This creates a certain balance, where the squole will have the advantage in some situations, and disadvantage in others.

Consequentially, the squole may face more of a struggle in some games than in others. Scenarios with an overwhelming majority of long range opponents may be extremely challenging for a squole who won’t be able to see these adversaries. On the other hand, if opponents rely on invisibility or darkness, the squole will have the upper hand.

Culturally, the squole’s plan for assimilation into the human population is somewhat successful, considering that they are essentially intelligent oozes. The cornerstone of their plan, assuming a permanent human shape, is most responsible for this remarkable achievement. Despite their obvious dissimilarities, their familiar profile grants them a large measure of personification that they would most certainly lack as a formless ooze.

Squoles in this text are presented as a fairly fresh race to the world. The exact date of their migration to this world was purposefully left out so the Gamemaster can introduce them as needed. They do not need to be intertwined with your existing campaign history. This allows them to be placed in virtually any campaign setting with little work. As is, they require almost no adjustment to your world to begin play immediately.

However, if the back story will not work with your campaign, there are alternatives. If other planes of existence are not available, the squole could have naturally evolved from creatures such as the ochre jelly and gelatinous cubes. Another possibility is that they are a cursed race of humans that descended from a primordial cult.

Whatever the case, squoles will make a welcome addition to any game with a new way to see things, an unusual option for a player seeking to play a grappler or melee type, or even a fun alternative for those who want to explore a more alien side of life.

Physical Description: The first squoles all had the same form; that of a fit and muscular male human. Later, they adopted an additional form; a slender and well-proportioned female. Being ooze, they lacked a good eye for detail, and all squoles appear somewhat featureless. With the exception of color, all male forms look alike and all female forms look alike, as they are all born from the same mold. All male-appearing squoles are 6’2” and 220 pounds. All female-appearing squoles are 5’6” and 135 pounds. Many have compared the appearance of a squole to that of a mannequin or roughly hewn statue.

Diversity among the squoles is found mostly in the color of their “skin,” which can come in every color of the rainbow. The race actually consists of three subspecies, each affected by a different aspect of the nearest paraelemental planes, which is reflected in their color and the type of energy that they are at home with. Magma squoles are reddish or orange. Ice squoles are any shade of blue or violet . Ooze squoles, also known as purekin, are yellowish or green. The skin of all squoles is glossy, smooth, and hairless.

While their bodies mimic most of the features that would be found on a human, it is in shape only. No facial features are actually functional or moving; a squole’s eyes do not move or see, its nose and ears have no inlets, and its mouth does not open. They lack organs, and are somewhat translucent; light passes through them as it does through murk-tinted water.

When squoles move, they appear to bend in all the wrong places and are capable of motions that would pale even the most skilled contortionists. Their voices consist of androgynous muffled gurgles. Squoles exude odor reminiscent to their energy affinity; magma squoles smell smoky, ice squoles smell like fresh frost, and pure-kin squoles smell acrid.

A squole’s paraelemental affinity is likely the result of natural species migration and evolution. The non-humanoid ancestors of the original sub-race, or pure-kin, was able to thrive not only in the paraelemental plane of ooze, but also the elemental planes of earth and water. However, the race needed to evolve in order to survive near the planes of magma and ice, and the other subraces arose as a result. The species, however, was unable to adapt to migrate further throughout the inner planes. Rumors do exist of a black or grey colored “smoke squole,” but the validity of these claims is highly questionable.

Society: Despite their suggestive form, squole lack gender and reproductive facilities. In fact, squoles are made-up entirely of homogenous, multifunctional cells. Once per decade, any squole with a full hit point total can split into two squoles. The original takes damage equal to half its hit points. The other begins its life as a first level squole of the same favored class of the original. They often depart from each other after only a few days, as the new squole is a fully functional adult with rudimentary memories of its originator. Squoles live about as long as humans.

Squole are omnivorous, and can ingest any organic material simply by engulfing it into any section of their body. Food is digested in a matter of minutes, a process visible to observers through the squole’s transparent skin. They can choose what they wish to ingest, expelling unsavory materials at will. A squole’s sense of taste and smell is very discerning, and they can often tell one individual from another by its scent.

All squoles face the challenge of trying to behave and interact as if they were human, while having a mindset and biology vastly dissimilar from a human. They exist to emulate what is, to them, the most successful race in creation. Consequently, their behavior is highly exaggerated and stereotypical. For example, if a squole discovers that humans enjoy a particular food, that squole might eat that food above all else, all the while praising its taste (even if the squole actually dislikes it). For every squole, it is a struggle to understand human ways.

Emotion is likewise an act of mimicry. A squole loves because the object of their love has met a set of parameters that they believe humans require for love. Younger squoles have trouble with literal interpretation and seem lost at the nuances of figurative meaning. By the time the squole has reached venerable years, it may seem extremely human, having honed its mimicry act to perfection.

Relations: Obviously, squoles get along best with humans, whom they often idolize. Occasionally, they will model themselves after half-elves and half-orcs, or even more rarely, elves or dwarves. Gnomes and halflings find the squoles to be a curiosity, while squoles generally adopt whatever attitude the consensus of the human population has regarding these races. Most races see squoles as generally benevolent, but most assuredly a little disgusting.

Relations to Remarkable Races: Squoles generally adopt the same attitude towards strange races as the local humans; which can sometimes seem very illogical considering they are a fairly unusual race themselves.

Alignment and Religion: Aside from following in the footsteps of man, squoles also aspire to make a good name for ooze-kind. They typically model their personality and role after a popular human example. This human role model is studied extensively and incorporated into the squole’s mannerisms, outlook, and character alignment. Eventually, a squole builds his entire persona based on several human role models. This is an ongoing process, and a squole is constantly observing and changing, endeavoring to be benevolent by human standards.

Most squoles have rejected the gods of ooze in favor of human-worshipped deities. Occasionally, a squoles will take up a religion that relates to nature or the elemental planes. Generally, squoles are often nonreligious unless their role models are also religious.

Adventurers: Originating from primitive pools of mud, squoles generally gravitate towards less sophisticated means of combat. An overwhelming majority of squoles are barbarians , fighters, and monks. Melee combat is favored, as that is where a squole has the most advantage. They commonly avoid long range combat, as their senses do not permit it.

Names: Squoles idealize humans, and therefore have adopted their naming practices. Occasionally, squoles will also use names common to other humanoid races.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence: Squoles are unnaturally sturdy and flexible, though they are not especially smart.
  • Medium: Squoles have no bonuses or penalties due to size.
  • Normal Speed: Squoles move at base speed of 30 feet.
  • Blind: You cannot detect objects or creatures by sight. You cannot make Perception checks to visually notice things beyond the range of your blindsight. You cannot discern color, read written text, or see incorporeal creatures. You are immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.
  • Blindsight (40 feet): Using sensitivity to vibrations, the squole maneuvers and fights as well as a sighted creature within a 40-foot range. Invisibility, darkness, and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the creature must have line of effect to a creature or object to discern that creature or object. A squole usually does not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures within range of its blindsight ability. Excessive vibrations or loud sounds provide concealment to those within range of the blindsight at the adjudication of the Gamemaster.
  • Boneless: Squoles can move in ways that other creatures cannot. A squole gains a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Escape Artist skill checks. In addition, the squole gains a +1 bonus on its Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense.
  • Elemental Resistance: At character creation, a paraelemental sub-type (ooze, ice, or magma) is chosen. This choice remains throughout the character’s life. The squoles gains an energy resistance equal to one-half its character level according to its elemental subtype: ice—cold resistance, magma—fire resistance, and ooze—acid resistance.
  • Humanoid Ooze: A squole has only a few common traits consistent with other oozes, due to its permanent humanoid form. Squoles cannot be stunned and do not take additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack. In addition, squoles are immune to poison and sleep effects. They can however be subject to critical hits, flanking, paralysis, and polymorph, just as other humanoids are. Squoles eat and breathe, but do not sleep.
  • Languages: Squole begin play speaking Common. Squoles with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Ignan, Orc, or Terran.

Random Starting Age

Adulthood Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard
1 year +1d4 years (2 – 5 years) +1d6 years (2 – 7 years) +2d6 years (3 – 13 years)
Middle Age (35 years) Old (50 years) Venerable (65 years) Maximum Age (65 + 2d10 years)

Random Height and Weight

Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male form 6 ft. 2 in. 220 lbs.
Female form 5 ft. 6 in. 135 lbs.

Racial Feats

The following feats are available to a squole character who meets the prerequisites.

Racial Classes and/or Prestige Classes

The following classes and/or prestige classes are available to a squole character who meets the prerequisites.

Alternative Racial Traits

You can exchange one or several of your character’s normal racial Traits, but of course you cannot exchange the same racial trait more than once.

As with any alternate or optional rule, you must first get the permission of your GM to exchange any of your character’s normal racial Traits for those listed here.

Favored Class Alternatives

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, squoles have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to all squoles who have the listed Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Remarkable Races: Compendium of Unusual PC Races, Pathway to Adventure Edition. Copyright 2009, Alluria Publishing; Author: J. Matthew Kubisz

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