Bookplate of Recall

Aura strong conjuration; CL 13th; Weight —; Slot none; Price 1,000 gp


This metal bookplate is inscribed with mystical words in Draconic, leaving space for a single written name. When the bookplate is glued to the inside cover of a book, the named individual may speak the title of the book to summon it as if using instant summons. This ability functions once per day.


Feats Craft Wondrous Item, instant summons; Cost 500 gp

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL) © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC Stephens, Russ Taylor, and numerous RPG Superstar contributors

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