Virulent Venom (Combat)

The poison that drips from your fangs is potent enough to burn through flesh and wood.

Prerequisite(s): Spit Venom, nagaji.

Benefit(s): Your ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat deals 1d6 points of acid damage plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage for every 3 Hit Dice you have, in addition to all other effects.

This additional damage affects creatures even if they are immune to poison or succeed at their Fortitude saving throws. In addition, you gain one additional use per day of the ability to spit poison granted by the Spit Venom feat.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Player Companion: Potions & Poisons © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Kate Baker, Eleanor Ferron, Nathan King, Lyz Liddell, Luis Loza, Alex Putnam, Alex Riggs, and David Schwartz.

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