Rakshasa Corruption (Combat)

Your technique is deceptive to any creature, even those that fight in an instinctual or unthinking manner.

Prerequisite: Improved Feint, Rakshasa Deception, Rakshasa Technique, Bluff 9 ranks, base attack bonus +6

Benefit: You no longer take a penalty to your feint check for feinting against a non-humanoid target. Feinting a creature of animal Intelligence (1 or 2) now imposes only a -4 penalty. You can feint a creature with no Intelligence score, although you have a -8 penalty when doing so.

Normal: When feinting against a non-humanoid you take a –4 penalty. Against a creature of animal Intelligence (1 or 2), you take a –8 penalty. Against a creature lacking an Intelligence score, it’s impossible.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Path of Iron, © 2015, Ascension Games, LLC; Author Christopher Moore

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