History and Setting

The Birth of a World

In the time before Corlaigne was pulled from the endless potential of the dark tapestry, the heavens were a great stage upon which the divine played out their celestial melodrama, sending forth tireless legions of mythic beasts and empyreal soldiers against one another in their operatic crusades for dominion over the cosmos.

The two greatest forces in these ceaseless battles were Auband, a resplendent leonine deity ruling over the sun and claiming all its light reached as its province, and Valcire, a serpentine god of madness and impulse staking claim to the nebulae that veiled the stars. Their servants and heralds believed that the gods would eventually unmake themselves and the territory they wished to claim, but the event that ended their war was neither so devastating nor predictable. Ultimately, it was a stonemason who came between them.

In a quiet corner of the tapestry, a divinity thus unnoticed (either because of its relatively minuscule proportions or lack of participation in the matters at hand) was building a world from the aether. The god’s form was something like a crude, featureless statue of a human being clad in a mason’s robe, but the way the land shaped itself in response to the architect’s gestures left no question as to its divine nature. Its name was Medisime, and it seemed to have no other desire than to construct the Arcadian haven, which it populated with the first beats and humanoids, whose forms were still quite alien to the spectating pantheon.

The proto-humanoids of Medisime’s world were less sapient beings and more automatons, sharing both their creator’s form and pastoral ideals

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