Recollections of a Dwarven Gladiator

Author Dwarf, NE; Language Dwarven.
Alphabet Dwarven; DC 15; Pages 118 Price 1,634 gp; Weight 3.1 lbs.


The most illustrious gladiatorial training schools usually maintain at least one copy of the manual, making it one of the more common manuals in circulation. Most volumes are printed on parchment and bound in a simple leather binding.

The character receives a +2 insight bonus to her Intimidate skill and a +2 insight bonus to her Bluff skill.


Misinterpretation The reader receives a -1 insight penalty to her Intimidate and Bluff skill checks.

Gross Misinterpretation The reader receives a -2 insight penalty to her Intimidate and Bluff skill checks.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Ink & Quill. Copyright 2002, Bastion Press, Inc. Author: Thomas Knauss.

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