Possession of the Soul

Author Vnnarzii, tiefling, CE; Language Abyssal.
Alphabet Infernal; DC 22; Pages 204 Price 12,023 gp; Weight 4.7 lbs.


Chilling and unsettling, Vnnarzii, a tiefling wizard with demonic heritage describes the horrific ordeal of demonic possession. Using blood-curdling imagery, Vnnarzii expresses the sorrow and terror experienced by the victim as she succumbs to the incomprehensible evil overwhelming her. Vnnarzii writes, “With every contorted palpitation of her withering heart, the master’s baneful, dark influence coursed through her veins like a plague of ravenous locusts devouring a field of grain. His infectious, festering evil coldly embraced her enslaved body and banished her terrified mind to its darkest recesses.” Only six copies of this diabolical manual remain in existence. This tome is printed on parchment and bound in plain wooden covers.

The character receives a +4 insight bonus on all saving throws against demons.


Misinterpretation The reader receives a -2 insight penalty on all saving throws against demons.

Gross Misinterpretation The reader receives a -4 insight penalty on all saving throws against demons.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Ink & Quill. Copyright 2002, Bastion Press, Inc. Author: Thomas Knauss.

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