Technique Master

While combat techniques can be learned by many, few are as skilled with them as a technique master. He learns as many techniques as possible, fusing them into his own personal form that is wholly unique.

Bonus Feats

At 1st level, 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, a technique master may select a bonus technique feat or Combat Expertise. He does not need to meet the prerequisites of that feat. Starting at 6th level and every four levels thereafter, a technique master can choose to instead gain a wildcard technique slot. Whenever he enters one or more technique stances, he can spend his wildcard technique slots to gain feats in those techniques’ feat paths (such as Protean Twist) as long as he meets the prerequisites. Each time he changes techniques, he can also change these wildcard technique slots.

This ability replaces the bonus feats a fighter gains at 1st, 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.

Technique Fusion (Ex)

At 3rd level, a technique master can fuse two of the techniques he knows into a more perfect technique. The technique master can have two technique feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a technique feat is still a swift action, but when the technique master switches to another technique feat, he can choose one technique whose stance is already active to persist. He may only have two technique feat stances active at a time.

At 7th level, the technique master can fuse three technique at once. He can have the stances of three technique feats active at the same time. Furthermore, he can enter up to three technique stances as a swift action.

At 11th level, the technique master gains a dodge bonus to his AC equal to the number of techniques whose stances he currently has active.

At 15th level, the technique master can fuse four techniques at once. He can have the stances of four technique feats active at the same time.

This ability replaces armor training.

Perfect Technique (Ex)

At 19th level, a technique master can have the stances of five technique feats active at once, and can change those stances as a free action.

This ability replaces armor mastery.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Path of Iron, © 2015, Ascension Games, LLC; Author Christopher Moore

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