
Some investigators use their wits and knowledge to aid them in their work. Others realize that their work may be hindered by their mere presence and having the ability to seamlessly blend in or trick another by their appearance aids in their endeavors. This training in subterfuge, however, comes at a cost in terms of book learning and combat training.

Unassuming (Ex)

At 1st level, an infiltrator is a master of deception and stealth, they may no longer use inspiration on all Intelligence based skills. Instead, they may use inspiration on skills whose ability score is changed to Intelligence in courses of study, like the Heal skill for medicine, and the following skills: Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge (local), Sleight of Hand, and Stealth assuming they have skill ranks in those skills.

This ability modifies inspiration.

Master of Disguise (Ex)

At 1st level, an infiltrator can use disguise with great results. When disguising themself as a different gender, heritage, age category, or size category, an infiltrator reduces the penalties for each by –2. For example, if the infiltrator disguises themself as a female two age categories older than themself, they would take a –2 to the check instead of a –6. Also, an infiltrator can don a disguise with 1d3 minutes of work (instead of the normal 1d3 x 10 minutes of work).

Additionally, when an infiltrator uses disguise self or any polymorph spells or extracts on themself, their caster level for the effect is treated as 2 higher for the purpose of determining the duration of the effect. They can use these spells or extracts to take the appearance of specific individuals of the type of form they choose, gaining a +10 to Disguise checks even if that extract does not typically grant such a bonus. Furthermore, these spells or extracts grant the infiltrator a +10 bonus to Disguise checks made as part of his voice mimicry ability (see below). This ability replaces the studied strike at 1st level.

Studied Strike (Ex)

At 3rd level, the legendary investigator begins their studied strike at +1d6 and increases it by +1d6 every odd level thereafter to a maximum of +9d6 at 19th level. This ability modifies studied strike.

Glazed Eye (Su)

At 3rd level, the infiltrator is difficult to pay attention to. When someone sees them, their attention seems to drift elsewhere. A creature who would become aware of an infiltrator’s presence when the infiltrator is within 10 feet per legendary investigator level must succeed at a Perception check against a DC equal to 10 + the infiltrator’s legendary investigator level + their Intelligence modifier or the creature ignores the infiltrator as though it had not become aware of their presence. The infiltrator can spend a use of inspiration to raise the DC by their inspiration die. The affected creature continues to ignore the infiltrator until they attack or do an otherwise offensive action, moves out of range, directly interacts with the creature, interacts with another creature or object in a way the affected creature notices, or otherwise specifically draws attention to themself. If the infiltrator does none of these things, the affected creature can attempt another Perception check at the same DC for each minute the infiltrator remains in range.

A creature that was aware of the infiltrator’s presence prior to being in range of their glazed eye ability is unaffected. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.

An infiltrator can affect only one creature with glazed eye at any given time, plus one additional creature at 5th level and every 3 legendary investigator levels thereafter, to a maximum of seven creatures at 19th level. Once an infiltrator reaches that maximum, they can’t affect an additional creature until they end the effect for an already affected creature. If multiple creatures enter the range of glazed eye simultaneously, they all must attempt Perception checks; the glazed eye effect affects the creatures with the lowest Perception check results, in order, until it reaches the maximum number of creatures it can affect.

The infiltrator can suppress or activate glazed eye as a free action, and dismiss its effects on any affected creature within range as a move action.

This ability replaces danger sense and the infiltrator talent gained at 5th level.

Voice Mimicry (Ex)

At 3rd level, an infiltrator learns to mimic voices and sounds around them. Using this ability requires a special Disguise check, and creatures hearing the voice can make a Perception check to discover the ruse. An infiltrator can attempt to emulate any creature or other sound they’ve heard clearly for at least 1 minute.

The bonuses or penalties to this special Disguise check are modified in the following ways, all of which are cumulative.

Disguised Voice Check Modifier
Voice is not your own, but not that of a distinct individual +5
Voice is that of a different gender –2
Voice is that of a different race –2
Voice is that of a different age category –2
Voice is that of a different size category –5

Also, the creature making the Perception check gains a bonus based on its familiarity with specific voices, just as if it were confronted with a normal disguise (see Chapter 4: Skills in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). This ability is a language-dependent effect, meaning that if a creature cannot hear or understand what the infiltrator is saying, the ruse fails. Magic items, feats, and traits that affect typical disguises do not affect this disguise check.

At 8th level, the infiltrator gains the effects of its master of disguise class feature on this special use of the Disguise skill (no penalty for a voice of a different gender, race, or age category, and only a –3 penalty for a different size category). This ability replaces keen recollection and the investigator talent gained at 3rd level.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex)

At 7th level, an infiltrator can use the Stealth skill to hide even while being observed; as long as their observer is within range of their glazed eye ability (even if it is not affected by glazed eye), they can hide without anything to actually hide behind.

This ability replaces the investigator talent gained at 7th level.

Null Aura (Sp)

At 9th level, an infiltrator benefits from constant nondetection, requiring those who wish to use divinations on them to succeed at a caster level check (DC = 15 + their legendary investigator level).

The infiltrator may raise or lower this protection as a swift action. This ability replaces the investigator talent gained at 9th level.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Legendary Investigators © 2022, Legendary Games; Connor Bates, Andrew J Gibson, Norman Mitchell, Margherita Tramontano, Tara Collins

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