Repose Dogma

Granted Power: +1 caster level when casting spells from the Necromancy school

Dogma Spells: 1stdeathwatch; 2ndgentle repose; 3rdsands of time; 4thdeath ward; 5thspawn ward; 6thundeath to death; 7thdestruction; 8thwaves of exhaustion; 9thwail of the banshee

Ancestors Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Repose

Replacement Dogma Spells: 2ndancestral communion; 3rdsummon ancestral guardian* (appears as a member of your race, not necessarily dwarf); 4threst eternal; 5thancestral memory; 6thgeas/quest

Souls Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Repose

Replacement Dogma Spells: 3rdanimate dead; 4thdeath knell aura; 5thmagic jar; 6thantilife shell; 7thsoul transfer; 8thtrap the soul; 9thsoul bind

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Priest Base Class, © 2014 Alex Abel.

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