Good Dogma

Granted Power: +2 to pierce the spell resistance of Evil outsiders

Dogma Spells: 1stprotection from evil; 2ndconsecrate; 3rdmagic circle against evil; 4thholy smite; 5thdispel evil; 6thblade barrier; 7thholy word; 8thholy aura; 9thsummon monster IX (good spell only)

Agathion Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Good

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stshield of faith; 3rdtongues; 6thplanar ally (agathions only)

Archon Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Good, Law

Replacement Dogma Spells: 3rdprayer; 6thplanar ally (archons only)

Azata Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Chaos, Good

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stexpeditious retreat; 3rdfly; 6thplanar ally (azata only)

Friendship Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Good

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stbless; 3rdprayer; 4thsecure shelter; 5thtelepathic bond; 6thheroes’ feast

Redemption Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Good

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stsanctuary; 2ndqualm; 3rdagonizing rebuke; 4thforced repentance; 5thatonement; 6thserenity; 7thsequester; 8theuphoric tranquility; 9thfreedom

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Priest Base Class, © 2014 Alex Abel.

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