Mending Madrigal

Requirement: Perform 15 ranks

Base effect: All allies within 30 feet ignore 1 point of penalty, damage, or drain to each ability score, as well as the effects of 1 negative level. They ignore 1 further point or negative level for each round you maintain this maestro performance, to a maximum of 6 points of penalty, damage, drain, and/or negative levels. Ignoring the effects does not mean that these penalties are gone so, for example, a character reaching a number of negative levels equal to their level would still die, even if they are ignoring the effects of 6 of these negative levels.


You channel cleansing energy in your allies, restoring the integrity of their bodies, minds, and souls. This refrain requires the use of a standard action for 3 consecutive rounds to be activated. On the third round, you expend all three the extra rounds of maestro performance and roll the Perform check to determine the effects. If you are interrupted before the end of the third round you do not expend any extra rounds of maestro performance.

Weak Refrain: all allies within 30 feet remove all temporary penalties to ability scores and recover 1 point of ability damage to all their ability scores.

Intermediate Refrain: all allies within 30 feet remove all temporary penalties to ability scores, recover 1d4 point of ability damage and 1 point of ability drain to all their ability scores.

Strong refrain: all allies within 30 feet remove all temporary penalties and damage to their ability scores, recover 1d4 points of ability drain, and remove 1 negative level.


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