Variant Monster Index

Not all of the monsters presented have full stat blocks. Many of them are merely variants on a theme, be they aquatic ghouls like lacedons, more powerful versions of efreeti known as maliks, advanced sharks like the great white, or alternate versions like the fast zombie and the plague zombie. Monster variants use the standard monster’s stats but with specific changes, as outlined in the text. The following list indexes some monster variants.

Variant Monsters

adamantine cobra
aquatic worm
balor lord
black bear
black scorpion
bloody skeleton
bombardier beetle
brute wight
burning skeleton
cairn wight
cave scorpion
chimera manticore
coconut crab
crimson worm
crystal ooze
darkwood cobra
deadfall scorpion
deadly mantis
dire lion manticore
djinni vizier
dread wraith
efreeti malik
fast zombie
flash beetle
frost wight
ghost scorpion
giant ant drone
giant ant queen
giant black widow
giant crab spider
giant emperor scorpion
giant whiptail centipede
giant worker ant
goliath beetle
goliath spider
great forest centipede
great reef crab
great white shark
greensting scorpion
hammerhead shark
heavy horse
high girallon
hissing centipede
house centipede
id ooze
infernal duke
janni sheikh
king cobra
king crab
lamia manticore
marid shahzada
mining beetle
mithral cobra
ogre spider
plague zombie
polar bear
rock crab
russet mold (hazard)
sahuagin malenti
sahuagin mutant
scarlet spider
sewer centipede
shaitan pasha
shark-eating crab
shield guardian
shipwrecker crab
sphinx manticore
tiger shark
titan centipede
vampire spawn
yellow musk zombie

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