
Station and Complexity friturier 3

Flavor Profiles sweet, texture, temperature
Additional Ingredients bitter, sour, spicy, or sweet


Duration 1 minute/level; Serving Size 1
Saving Throw none (harmless); Spell Resistance no (harmless)


A churro is a fried choux pastry (butter, eggs, flour, water), often rolled in a combination of sugar and cinnamon and sometimes served with a dipping sauce or fruits to cut the sweet flavor.

When completed, a churro can be held in 1 hand, granting a +5 shield bonus to AC for the duration.

Additional ingredients increase the serving size and shield bonus by +1 each and allow the churro to be consumed for a fire shield effect, as the spell, which lasts for 1 round/level.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Book of Many Things Decidedly Laughable Collection © 2019-2021, Samurai Sheepdog; Author: Kevin Glusing.

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