Tomato Sauce

Station and Complexity entremetier 4, saucier 3

Flavor Profiles salty, sour, temperature
Additional Ingredients spicy, temperature, or umami


Duration 10 minutes/level; Serving Size 2d6


Tomato sauce is a mix of tomatoes, salt, sugar, and water that can include a wide variety of additional ingredients.

When consumed, it cures 3d6 hit points.

When added to a meal as an additional salty, sour, or temperature ingredient, it counts as 2 additional ingredients.

Additional ingredients increase the healing by +1d6 each and allow the tomato sauce to be used as an additional ingredient of that type as well.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Book of Many Things Decidedly Laughable Collection © 2019-2021, Samurai Sheepdog; Author: Kevin Glusing.

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