
Station and Complexity grillardin 3, line cook 3, patissier 3

Flavor Profiles texture, temperature, salty
Additional Ingredients any


Duration 1 minute/level; Serving Size 1d6


Pancakes are made by combining milk, butter, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and salt. The mix is cooked until it turns solid, then topped with fruit and syrup. It also can be served as a salty dish with different toppings.

When consumed, a pancake grants a +3 morale bonus on Thievery and Use Magic Device checks for the duration.

Additional bitter, sour, spicy, sweet, and texture ingredients increase the bonus and serving size by +1 each, to a maximum of +1 per level.

Additional salty, temperature, and umami ingredients grant the bonus on Acrobatics and Disable Device checks for the duration instead.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Book of Many Things Decidedly Laughable Collection © 2019-2021, Samurai Sheepdog; Author: Kevin Glusing.

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