Bound Protein Salad

Station and Complexity boucher 2, garde manger 3

Flavor Profiles salty, umami
Additional Ingredients bitter, sour, spicy, texture, or umami


Duration 10 minutes/level; Serving Size 1


A bound salad is a thick mixture of protein, eggs, salt, and oil with additional ingredients to taste.

When consumed, a bound protein salad grants a magic aura, as the spell, for the duration.

Additional ingredients increase the serving size by +1.

Additional bitter, sour, and spicy ingredients also grant a hide from animals effect, as the spell, for the duration.

Additional texture and umami ingredients also grant a hide from undead effect, as the spell, for the duration.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Book of Many Things Decidedly Laughable Collection © 2019-2021, Samurai Sheepdog; Author: Kevin Glusing.

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