Dungeon Dweller (Any Subterranean Dungeon)

Not only are you competent while deep underground, you thrive in these perilous environs. Whether you were born in the labyrinthine tunnels or your mysterious parental figures brought you up in sand-ridden corridors of some forgotten pyramid, your emergence is somehow tied to one of the world’s infamous subterranean dungeons.

Benefit You start with one additional language chosen from the following list: Aklo, Dark Folk, Draconic, Goblin, Necril, Orc, or Undercommon. In addition, whenever you must attempt a Survival check to avoid getting lost in a dungeon, you may roll the check twice and take the better result.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Player Companion: Dungeoneer’s Handbook © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Amanda Hamon, Gareth Hanrahan, David Ross, and Jerome Virnich.

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