Swinging Log (CR 1)

Swinging Log CR 1

XP 400
Type mechanical; Notice Perception DC 12; Disable Disable Device DC 12; Trigger location; Reset manual; Associated Terrain any forests or jungles


A large, heavy log is suspended in the canopy of a forest or jungle and attached to a trip line. When a creature passes through a 5-foot-square that’s been trapped by this trip line, the log swings down and makes a melee attack with a +5 bonus (1d6+5 points of bludgeoning damage). A creature damaged by this log must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid being knocked prone. Affixing a number of sharpened sticks to the log adds an additional 2d6 points of piercing damage and increases its CR by 1.

Note: This is a wilderness trap. Skilled survivalists and trappers are adept at fashioning effective, if simple, traps from humble materials. A wilderness trap has an associated terrain wherein the raw materials for the trap are commonplace. Within these associated terrains, the base cost of each trap is calculated in sp rather than gp. Wilderness traps always have a CR of 5 or lower.

When in a trap’s associated terrain, instead of paying one-third the item’s price in raw materials, the trap maker can attempt a Survival check against the normal Craft DC of the trap + 2 × the trap’s CR. If successful, the trap maker finds the necessary materials in the wild after 1d4 hours of foraging + 1 hour per CR of the trap. She can then attempt a Craft (traps) check, also at the normal Craft DC + 2 × the trap’s CR, to build the trap, which takes another 1d4 hours + 1 hour per CR of the trap. Traps built with such crude materials don’t last long without maintenance; they have a cumulative 20% chance to break for every day they go without being tightened and reset (which requires 10 minutes of work but no additional skill checks).

At the GM’s discretion, other non-magical mechanical traps may be considered to have associated terrains and use the wilderness trap construction rules.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

PRG Ultimate Wilderness © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, John Bennett, Robert Brookes, John Compton, Dan Dillon, Steven T. Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Jeffery Swank, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.

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