Improved Natural Armor (Mythic)

This creature’s hide is impossibly thick and difficult to pierce.

Prerequisite(s): Natural armor, Con 17, Improved Natural Armor.

Benefit(s): This feat increases the natural armor bonus by +1. This stacks with the bonus gained from Improved Natural Armor. In addition, if a creature has selected the Improved Natural Armor feat more than once, the bonus provided by this feat is equal to the number of times the creature has taken the Improved Natural Armor feat.

In addition, a creature with this feat reduces bleed damage by 1, whether that bleed damage is hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain. If the creature has taken the Improved Natural Armor feat more than once it reduces bleed damage by an amount equal to the number of times it has taken that feat.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Mythic Minis 1: Monster Feats © 2013, Legendary Games; Authors Tom Phillips and Jason Nelson.

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