

    author: Sean Patrick Mulhall






    Olympia is a collection of city – states that often form alliances called “leagues”, in which they war against each other. Each city – state names a God as its patron, and sacrifices greatly on the eve of war to said God/Temple. Olympia is never united unless a foreign threat is identified, and laws vary from city – state to city – state and their surrounding territory.

    Political Hierarchy

    This depends on the city – state. The following are the Tier 1 city – states

    • Athenas: A democracy ruled by the “Assembly”, a governing body made up of any and all free citizens who wish to participate. Citizenship is gained from military service or inherited.
    • Myrmidos: a meritocracy, whose leader is chosen by the Olympkos Games, once every 5 years.
    • Thebes: A Theocracy, ruled by the Ogliarch of Hera
    • Delphi: The Syballine – Oracle of Delphi
    • Illium: Monarchy, ruled by King, hereditary title

    Religious Hierarchy

    The Isles of Olympia are the province of the Olympian Pantheon, made up of 12 greater gods and various minor gods and demigods. The Pantheon is seated upon Mt Olympus, upon the main Olympian Isle of Mytikos, within the Achaean mountain range, or “Throne of Zeus”. This is a forbidden place, and almost all who venture here are never seen from again.

    Each of the City – States have a patron God, but still carry temples for the other gods as well. Here are the Tier 1 city(cities with over 50,000 population) Gods to whom they owe patronage:

    • Athenas: Athena
    • Myrmidos: Achilles, a demi – god
    • Thebes: Hera
    • Delphi: Artemis
    • Illium: Apollo

    Geography and Climate

    The isles of Olympia are primarily a temperate climate, with a rainy season that lasts a little longer than other temperate zones. The islands also have mountain chains and deep forests as well.

    Three main Islands and their Tier 1 Cities:

    • Northern Most Island: Ithica – Delphi and Thebes
    • Center Main Island: Achaea – Athenas, Myrmidos, Illium
    • Southern Island:
    • Kretos – Forbidden isle. City – Laconia


    Copper, Cotton/Linen/Wool, Paper/Papyrus, Salt, Olives, Wine/Rum/Mead, Oils, Scented Oils, Quicksilver, Marble

    Capital City

    Tier 1 Cities:


    Population: 700,000

    Location: Western Achaea

    Leadership: Assembly, with the high Plutarch as chief administrator


    The Sons of Hermes: (criminal organization),

    The Adelpi: an organization of mages and scholars dedicated to the protection of the arts, magical and mundane

    The Enaste: Guardians of the city, and police force

    The Gulakulos: The merchant organization in charge of import/exports. To be a licensed merchant

    Notable Locations:

    The Parthenon

    Temple of Athena

    Acropolis – Chief trading/auctioning/banking house,

    Bacilicus – Public Bathhouses where much business is conducted,

    Hades Ire – A tavern that is a front for the Sons of Hermes,

    The Muses Muse – Extremely popular tavern/whorehouse


    Population: 520,000

    Location: Southern Achaea

    Leadership: The Achillian, a ruler who earns the right to rule through the Olympikos Games


    Eloi: Priesthood of Ares that many give homage,

    Myrmidons: Warrior caste created by Achilles before his ascension to demi – god status (note – there is tension between followers of Achilles and Followers of Ares, battle breaks out from time to time)


    Metilokos: Arena where Olympkos Games are held,

    Achilli: Main temple of Achilles,

    Wrothulos: Temple of Ares


    Population: 503,000

    Location: Southern Ithica

    Leader: The Ogliarch


    Heraoin: Hera’s priesthood,

    Zaonists: Cult of Hera followers who oppose the Heraoin for not being fanatical enough.


    Paestum – Temple of Hera, Temple of Ares, Temple of Heba, Temple of Eris,

    Dolinaed – Sacrificial Pit to Hera


    Population: 480,000

    Location: Northern Ithica

    Leader: The Syballine – Oracle of Delphi (female ruler, always)


    Circle of Nine – Mage organization in charge of defense of Delphi,

    Aphaeans – Cult devoted to Artemis


    Agora – Meeting/Assembly place for the Syballine/Government,

    Alter of the Ages – Sacred alter that focus arcane and divine energies, located in the Temple of Mysteries


    Population: 590,000

    Location: Eastern Achaea

    Leader: King Aeneas II


    Hectites – Warrior – cult that follows the tenets of the hero, Hector.

    Apollayon – High Priests of Apollo


    The Helios – Temple of Apollo,

    The Illiandre – School of Gladiators,

    The Ulus Way – Rumored way into the underworld

    Additional History

    Long ago, during one of the many wars happening between Sparta and Athenas, a mandate was made by Zeus concerning Sparta. The hubris of the Spartans had finally angered Zeus, and not even Hera’s and Aries patronage could save them from the King of the Gods wrath. It soon became known that the gods had withdrawn all protection and abandoned the Spartans, and the rest of the city – states, large and small and even made up the Spartans allies who turned against them. The Spartan army, vastly outnumbered, fought retreating actions on the Isle of Achaea and back to their home isle of Kretos to the south. Eventually, the Spartans, though causing frightening casualties, retreated to the city of Lacona, to make their last stand. In their final hour, with only 5,000 or so Spartans left, the god Hades visited them and offered a dark pact. He would grant them the ability to defeat their enemies, but in return, they must serve him for all eternity. Knowing this hour was their last, and filled with dark vengeance in their hearts, to a man they agreed. The final assault began, and every single Spartan was eventually killed, though the cost was extremely high, each Spartan taking 4 or so with them. As the last one fell, a mist arose from the ground, and a dire keening could be heard. The attackers backed up, for fear of dark sorcery. They were right. The mist entered in through all the Spartan’s mouths, and their eyes opened, gleaming with an unholy red light. A howling arose….and with a ferocity rarely seen, they were amongst the enemy, reaping a bitter harvest. With fear in their hearts and dread in their souls, the coalition of the attackers was broken, and the collectively fled Lacona, and the Isle of Kretos itself. Only one in 4 of the invading army of 150,000 survived to make it back to the Achaea mainland. To this day, the Isle of Kretos is known as the Accursed Isle, with a dark mist that surrounds it. Very few dare to set foot on its cursed ground, even less return. Lacona is a necropolis, or city of the dead. There are whispers in the night about dread fleets, and the return of the Black Spartans.

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