Asgardian Isles


    author: Sean Patrick Mulhall


    Norse Mythology

    Population: (approximate numbers)

    200.000-Aelfs (elves)
    150.000 Devlgar(dwarves)
    100,000-Svart (dark elves)
    60,000-Other Races
    50,000-Frost Giants
    50,000 Fire Giants
    30,000-Miscellanous Giants
    2,000-various Dragon types
    7- Great Wyrm Dragons


    Odin the All-Father, Ruler of Asgard, sensed that Ragnarok was approaching. However, it was not the Ragnarok that he and the other gods of the Aesir and Vanir were expecting. In the version foretold, he would survive, as would most of the Gods. Their fight against Sutr, King of the Fire Giants, the Fenrir Wolf and Jörmungandr the World Serpent would take its toll, but Asgard would survive. However, Yahweh, an old god whose followers were encroaching upon the Norse, spread a new tale of Ragnarok. In this version, Thor kills the World Serpent, but dies from poison, and Odin himself perishes, swallowed whole by the Fenrir wolf. Odin, ever-wise, knew the power of belief and how what man believed could actually change events and destiny foretold. Feeling the vice closing around him and his ilk, he did what his brother god Zeus had done so long before, and left the world of Pangea, to the Realm of Panakos.

    The Nine Worlds of the Asgardian Isles

    When Odin enacted the ritual to transport himself and his ilk to the Realm of Panakos, he encountered two problems. First, the ritual used, taught to him by the Volva, a seeress/witch, had side effects. It brought just not the world of Asgard and some of Midgard, but in actuality any and all related to the worship of the Norse Gods. The nine worlds of the Asgardian Gods were transported to Panakos, as well Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Also transported were the enemies of Asgard; the Svart, the Jotun, and the Muspell. Yet this was not the worst news.

    When the “worlds” of the Asgardian Gods came into existence in Panakos, they “transposed” over an island chain far to the north. This chain of six islands, however, was inhabited by ancient Dragons who had fled their realm to Panakos. So started the War of the Damorgond, where the Gods and other races warred against the Dragons and drove them to just one isle, where they exist to this day in a state of uneasy truce.

    The Isle of Midgard: This island is unique, in the sense that not only do the midgardians/mankind call this island home but so do the Gods. In the center of the island is the World Tree Yggdrasil, which raises thousands of feet upward. At the top of the tree is the god-home Asgard. This city of the gods boasts towering spires and gleaming citadels along with rolling hills and fields. It is here the Einherjar, or warriors that have been chosen fight during the day and feast at night in the Hall of Valhalla. The Bifrost Bridge spans from Asgard down to Midgard and is one of the only ways to get to Asgard. The god Heimdall guards the rainbow bridge against the trepidations of the Jotun (ice giants) and Muspell(fire giants) and others who attack Asgard on occasion.

    Underneath Midgard is the realm of Niovellir, or Hel. The Goddess Hel rules these lands, and those who were not brave warriors that were chosen for Valhalla go here for their afterlife. Niovellir consists of different sub-realms, including Nifelheim, where those who were evil dwell for eternity.

    Midgard is connected to the other five islands by the roots of Yggdrasil that stretch across the channels, high above the water till they hit land again. Midgard is the centermost- island in the chain. These roots are so large that armies can cross them to get to Midgard, even the armies of giants. This makes life tough for the Norse clans that live in Midgard with the constant threat of invasion always looming close.

    The Isle of Jotunheimr: This is also known as the land of Frost Giants, or Jotun, though many other denizens of the death-cold call this region home. It is colder on this isle than any other land located within Panakos. This is also a very mountainous region. This island is found to the left of Midgard.

    The Isle of Muspellheimr: Also known as the land of the Fire giants, this volcanic region seems out of place with the ice flows and snow capped mountains that dot the landscape of the rest of the Asgardian Isles. Raging volcano’s turn this land into rivers of magma and land that is burnt and ash-filled. It is said that Odin and the rest of the gods imprisoned Sutur, King of the Fire giants beneath this isle and his rage is what causes the ground to tremble and mountains to explode. His militaristic progeny are always looking for vengeance and ways to free their King. This island is to the right of Midgard.

    The Isle of Aelfheimr: This isle is home to the children of the Vanir gods, Frey and Freya. Different races of elves call this land home and protect it versus the ravages of the giants, Norse raiders and other denizens who would see the children of the Vanir dead or worse, enslaved. The greatest threat to Aelfheimr, however, comes from below, the Realm of Svartalfheimr. Here dwell the Svart, or dark skin cousins of the Elves. A war has existed for untold time, for reasons lost in the annals of long ago history, between the two realms. This island is to the left of Jotunheimr.

    The Isle of Delvagarheimr: Upon this craggy, rocky region lie the kingdoms of the Delvagar, or Dwarves. This ancient people protect their mountain holds from the trespasses of all who would raid their riches and gold that is plundered from deep in the earth. However, they are not always successful, as the ancient kingdom of Kakkrendr was overrun by the minions of Fafnir, one of the seven Great Wyrm dragons that call the Asgardian Isles home. Fafnir waited till the sacred night of Illuminas, where all dwarves give thanks to the gods, and annihilated all who stood before him. He now resides in the great mountain fast, greedily protecting his newfound treasure from the Delvagar war hosts that march to free this ancient hold from its doom. The Isle of Delvagarheimr is the furthermost island to the right of Midgard, next to Muspellheimr.

    The Isle of Draekenheimr: After the War of Damorgond, the remaining dragons were driven to this furthermost isle from Midgard. This isle is fiercely protected, even though the dragons themselves war with each from time to time. Four of the seven ancient dragons in the Asgardian Isles call this isle their home. This island is the furthermost island to the left of Midgard, and is next to Aelfheimr.

    Political Hierarchy

    This depends on the Isle.

    Midgard: There are three main “races” of Midgardians, The Juts, the Rus and the Eath. All sail upon the seas, though the Juts are considered the best sailors. The Eath are horsemen, and raise some of the finest horse stock to be found anywhere in Panakos. The Rus are more savage and less cultured than the other two races, choosing to live deep in the forests of Midgard. Scattered throughout Midgard are villages, some on the ocean, others near rivers, but always near water. These villages are ruled by Thanes; however the larger villages have Kings. From time to time a charismatic, but often bloodthirsty leader can come along, and become High King, uniting his people. Yet this is rare, as all midgardians value their freedom and independence. The largest “city” of Midgard is Odense, and only boasts a population of 150,000. Odense is a port city and the only place where outsiders come to sell their wares.

    Religious Hierarchy

    The Asgardian Isles are the province of the Norse Pantheon, made up of many gods and various minor gods and demigods. The Pantheon calls Asgard home, upon the main Isle of Midgard, on the top of the World Tree, Yggdrasil. This is a forbidden place, and almost all who venture here are never seen from again.

    Geography and Climate

    The Asgardian Isles are primarily a cold climate, with long winters and short summers. Further north and higher in the mountains he temperature gets extremely cold, and those unprotected from the elements can found themselves quickly dead, especially when one of the winter storms hits. The Isle of Muspellheimr defies the rest of the climate, as it is a veritable wasteland of active volcanoes and Magma Rivers. The warm air often clashes with the cold and great thunderstorms are the result, though many say it is Thor doing battle with the fire giants of Muspellheimr.

    There are mountains on every isle within the Asgardian Isles, though some more than others. Aelfheimr, for example, is mostly forest, with just a few mountainous areas. Delvagarheimr, however, is completely opposite and is mostly mountains/hills and nothing else.


    Copper, Iron, Mithril, Steel, Wool, Lumber, Mead, Beer, Fish

    Tier 1 Cities


    Population: 150,000(mostly human)

    Location: Midgard

    Name of the guy in charge: The All-Thane, or High King. Often this seat is vacant, as only those considered strong enough are allowed to take this seat. This role can come from one of the clans, the Rus, The Jut’s or the Eath.

    The Heimdallans: Guardians/Peacekeepers of the city. Current Leader is Sven Rigard.

    The Getica: The merchant organization in charge of import/exports.

    Valdyr of the Rus: a military/mercenary group formed entirely of members of the Rus clan. Their ferocity and fighting prowess is legendary, and it is whispered they carry the blood of wolves in their line.

    Some notable locations within the city

    Hall of the Tivar: the ancient Hall of the Gods located at the center of Odese. It is used twice a year, at the Winter and Summer Solstice, and to celebrate a great victory. Sometimes, the God’s themselves have come down from Asgard to feast with the Midgardians.

    The Einvigal: A sacred field of battle, complete with seats and such, where disputes are handled.

    The Hallow Hills: Just outside the city are cairns in hills dedicated to burying all those who were not worthy to be set aflame so their spirits could rise to Asgard. Those buried in the ground will sink to the Underworld, or Hel. Every so often one of these will return as a Barrow Wight, to protect its possessions that were buried with it. Occasionally even the most powerful can be buried here, as only those who die gloriously in battle are burned.


    Population: 80,000 (Mostly Elf)

    Location: Aelfheimr

    Name of guy in charge: The Arch mage Tindilos

    Names of pertinent factions within the city

    The Handmaidens of Freya: Priestess hood of the Vanir Goddess, Freya

    Frborjor of Vull (translated-destroyers of evil): a Group of elvish paladins and good clerics of Frey, Freya’s twin brother.

    Some notable locations within the city

    Aelsira: Building that holds the High Council moots

    Eainrengar: The inner tree that is the last line of defense of Vanira. The tree is an “inner” keep in the city, and will hold most of the population within itself if need be.


    Population: 7,000(mostly dwarf)

    Location: Delvagarheimr

    Name of guy in charge: King Ulgrid Vaselheim

    Names of pertinent factions within the city

    Feloin: Dwarven Defenders, joined by clanless dwarves who sign up for permanent military duty.

    Gwerti: The coalition of dwarven crafters made up of all dwarven guilds, including rune casters and magic item creators, as well as Armor smiths and Weapon smiths.

    Some notable locations within the city

    Delgard is one of the six dwarf mountain-holds located on the Isle of Delvagarheimr. Four of them belong to a great dwarven clan each, while the 5th one was taken by the Great Wyrm, Fafnir. Delgard is also the only Dwarf –hold that has a port. As a result, Delgard is run by all clans, not just one.

    The Tharakan: The giant mountain gate that closes the port side of the mountain in case of attack by sea.


    Jörmungandr: Also known as the Midgard Serpent, this child of Loki swims the seas around the Asgardian Isles. From time to time, when the mood strikes it will attack and destroy ships. It is said that its venom is even capable of slaying a god, and standard immunities will not protect against it.

    Fenrir Wolf: Another child of Loki, once this creature was bound till Ragnarok by the bravery of Baldur, who lost his hand in the process. Now upon Panakos there are no chains that can bind him permanently, though the strongest of the chains forged by the Gods can hold him for 6 months or so. From the end of the last autumn month till the first day of spring, the gods let the Wolf run free amongst the islands. When the first day of spring arrives, a great hunt ensues by the gods until the wolf is finally captured. A mortal of great bravery is chosen to be the “Baldur Sacrifice”, and will lose a hand, permanently (nothing can bring back this hand, it is gone forever). However, the Gods will reward the mortal for their great daring and courage.

    Nidhogg Nagar: The Great dragon that lives under the World Tree, Yggdrasil, and gnaws at its roots. There is a running dialogue between it, a Great Eagle that sits at the top of the tree, and the messenger between the two, Ratatoskr, an extremely verbose squirrel.

    Dragons: One of the constant dangers for those living on any of the Asgardian Isles are the dragons. They are voracious, and when active nothing is safe. Draekenheimr is home to many dragons of all types, including 4 Great Wyrms, two of them neutral/good and two of them evil. These dragons will range far to secure meal and /or treasures, and many of the progeny of these dragons are sent into the world and other regions to make their own way. The Asgardian Isles hold the highest concentration of dragon population upon Panakos.

    The “Horde”: On several of the islands, most notably Delvagarheimr, the orc, goblin, ogre and hill giant populations can grow unchecked, until great purgings happen. Many dwarven crusades have taken place to wipe the island clean, but the brutish “monsters” always seem to return. Some orc clans have proven peaceful, and trading has been opened up with on a case by case basis. Wyverns are a constant menace to the communities of hill dwarves that have settled outside their mountain holds.

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