Alchemical Concoctions

Some alchemical creations are less stable than others. Concoctions are notorious for their side effects and for their dangerous unpredictability when mixed together.

All concoctions last for 1 hour, even if their benefits are expended before then. Drinking a second concoction before this duration expires causes unpredictable effects as their unstable alchemical compounds mix inside the body. To determine the effects of admixture, roll on the Concoction Miscibility Table. For each additional concoction consumed before the initial duration expires, rolls on the Concoction Miscibility Table take a cumulative –10% penalty.

Mixing concoctions outside the body ruins both substances’ potency. All concoctions have a Craft DC of 15.

Sample Concoctions


Source PPZO94102

Price 50 gp; Weight

This sugary blue drink, often cut with mint to reduce the cloying sweetness, brightens your demeanor and sweetens your voice, granting a +2 alchemical bonus on Diplomacy checks. It renders you naive and perilously trusting, however, imparting a –4 penalty on your Sense Motive checks.


Source PPZO94102

Price 50 gp; Weight

This effervescent concoction improves your sensory reaction time, providing a +2 alchemical bonus on Perception checks.

However, the mental hyperactivity it creates imparts a –1 penalty on your Will saving throws.


Source PPZO94102

Price 50 gp; Weight

A favorite of alchemists, this pale sludge hampers your fear response, granting a +2 alchemical bonus on your saves against fear effects. The concoction’s necrotic components dull healing, however, causing you to regain 2 fewer hit points from healing effects (to a minimum of 1 point of healing per effect).


Source PPZO94102

Price 75 gp; Weight

This minty fluid quickens your feet and improves your balance, granting a +2 alchemical bonus on Acrobatics checks and to your CMD against trip attempts. However, you become easily distracted and take a –2 penalty on Perception checks.


Source PPZO94102

Price 50 gp; Weight

This inky concoction slows the flow of blood, reducing any bleed damage you would suffer by 2 and causing you to automatically stabilize when dying. The concoction dulls your response speed, however, imparting a –1 penalty on your Reflex saving throws.


Source PPZO94102

Price 50 gp; Weight

This lime-green goo turns your saliva venomous. Once during the concoction’s duration, as a swift action, you can lick or spit on a held weapon to apply a dose of black adder venom to the weapon. If you are a vishkanya, you instead apply the poison granted by your toxic racial trait; this does not count against that trait’s uses per day. The concoction weakens your physical defenses, imparting a –1 penalty on your Fortitude saving throws.


Source PPZO94102

Price 50 gp; Weight

This syrupy concoction fills you with a dreamy, peaceful feeling, providing a +1 alchemical bonus on Will saving throws. However, the dreaminess slows your reactions to danger, imparting a –2 penalty on initiative checks.


Source PPZO94102

Price 100 gp; Weight

This coppery-tasting substance causes your adrenaline production to spike, granting you a +2 alchemical bonus on melee damage rolls with natural and manufactured weapons. The concoction weakens your self-preservation urges and imparts a –2 penalty to your AC.

Table: Concoction Miscibility
d% Effect
1 The concoctions combine to form a deadly poison. You take 1d6 points of Constitution damage per round for 1d3+1 rounds.
2–3 The concoctions react explosively… inside you. You take 5d12 points of fire damage.
4–7 You are rendered permanently blind or deaf (determined randomly). A remove blindness/ deafness spell or similar effect is required to restore your lost sense.
8–12 The concoctions thin your blood so that any injury causes rapid bleeding. Whenever you take piercing or slashing damage during the next 24 hours, you also take 1 point of bleed damage. This bleed damage stacks with itself and with other bleed effects.
13–25 The concoctions render you violently ill. You become nauseated for 2d6 rounds
26–33 The concoctions unsettle your health. You become sickened for 3d4 minutes.
34–40 The concoctions meddle with your mind. You are confused during the first round of each combat during the next 24 hours.
41–50 The concoctions sap your energy. You are fatigued until you rest for 2d12 minutes.
51–60 The concoctions sharpen your senses. You gain low-light vision and a +2 alchemical bonus on Perception checks; if you already have low-light vision, increase the bonus on Perception checks to +4. This effect lasts for 1d6 minutes.
61–69 The concoctions grant you a sudden burst of energy. You gain the benefits of the haste spell for 1d3+1 rounds. This effect is non-magical and cannot be dispelled.
70–75 Any melee attacks you make with natural weapons or metal manufactured weapons deal an extra 1d4 points of electricity damage. Any electricity spell you cast deals 1 extra point of damage per die rolled. This effect is magical and lasts for 3d6 rounds.
76–85 The concoctions toughen your skin, granting you a +1d3 enhancement bonus to your natural armor for 3d10 minutes.
86–92 The concoctions accelerate your natural healing process. You gain fast healing 1d4 (roll each round) for 2d6 rounds.
93–99 The concoctions fill you with euphoric morale. For the next 10d6 minutes, you gain the benefits of the good hope spell. This effect is non-magical and cannot be dispelled.
100 The concoctions unleash the full potential of your body and mind, transforming you into a paragon of your race and class. Choose two ability scores. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to each of those ability scores for 24 hours.
Section 15: Copyright Notice

Pathfinder Player Companion: Adventurer’s Armory 2 © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jenny Jarzabski, Mikko Kallio, Isabelle Lee, Luis Loza, Joe Pasini, David N. Ross, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.

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