Hexwielder (Legendary Magus Archetype)

A hexwielder magus has learned to use their arcane potential to curse their foes with debilitating hexes. These dark magi can wield devastating curses of all kinds, expanding their selection of spells and arcana..

Hexing Potential (Su)

At 1st level, the hexwielder can channel their potential into debilitating hexes that they wield against their foes. The hexwielder gains the following potential techniques:

1 Potential

Hexwielder’s Blight (Curse): The hexwielder can curse a single creature within 60 feet that they can see.

This creature takes a -2 penalty to attacks made against the hexwielder, to saves against the hexwielder’s spells and abilities, and to CMD against the hexwielder’s maneuvers.

This curse lasts until the beginning of the hexwielder’s next turn, and a creature cannot be affected by more than one potential technique with the (curse) tag at a time.

2 Potential

Hexwielder’s Bane (Curse): The hexwielder can curse a single creature within 60 feet that they can see.

Whenever the creature takes hit point damage, they take an additional 2 damage of the same type they were dealt. This additional damage increases by 1 point at 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter. This curse lasts until the beginning of the hexwielder’s next turn, and a creature cannot be affected by more than one potential technique with the (curse) tag at a time.

At 8th level, the hexwielder’s ability to wield hexes improves, granting them the following potential technique:

3 Potential

Hexwielder’s Blinding (Curse): The hexwielder can curse a single creature within 60 feet that they can see.

The creature treats all creatures more than 30 feet away from it as if they had total concealment, and creatures between 30 and 10 feet away as if they had concealment. This curse lasts until the beginning of the hexwielder’s next turn, and a creature cannot be affected by more than one potential technique with the (curse) tag at a time.

This replaces the arcane deflection, shifting position, magician’s assault, and surging strike potential techniques.

Hexing Spells

A hexwielder adds the following spells to his magus spell list: bestow curse, major curse, and all other spells of 6th level or lower that have the curse descriptor.

Hexing Arcana

At 3rd level, the hexwielder picks one hex from the witch’s hex class feature.

He gains the benefit of or uses that hex as if he were a witch of a level equal to his legendary magus level. In addition, the hexwielder may choose a witch’s hex in place of a legendary magus arcana, using his hexwielder level as his effective witch level, at any level he would normally gain one.

This replaces the legendary magus arcana gained at 3rd level.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Legendary Magus, © 2018, Legendary Games. Authors: Dave Nelson and Hal Kennette.

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