Earth Dogma

Granted Power: Spells with the acid descriptor deal +1 acid damage per die

Dogma Spells: 1stmagic stone; 2ndsoften earth and stone; 3rdstone shape; 4thspike stones; 5thwall of stone; 6thflesh to stone; 7thrampart; 8thearthquake; 9thelemental swarm (earth spell only)

Caves Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Earth

Replacement Power: +5 feet to the width and length of created pits

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stexpeditious excavation; 2ndcreate pit; 3rdspiked pit; 4thacid pit; 5thecholocation; 6thhungry pit; 9thclashing rocks

Metal Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Earth

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stironbeard; 2ndheat metal; 3rdpellet blast; 4thrusting grasp; 6thwall of iron; 7thstatue; 8thiron body

Radiation Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Earth

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stcurse water; 2nddefoliate; 3rdabsorb toxicity; 4thblight; 5thcorrosive consumption; 6thantilife shell; 7thepidemic; 8thhorrid wilting; 9thcursed earth

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Priest Base Class, © 2014 Alex Abel.

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