Destruction Dogma

Granted Power: +1 damage per level with channel energy and spells. This bonus only applies once per spell, not once per missile or ray, and cannot be split between multiple missiles and rays. This damage is the same type as the spell.

Dogma Spells: 1stburning hands; 2ndshatter; 3rdlightning bolt; 4thfireball; 5thice storm; 6thacid fog; 7thdisintegrate; 8thearthquake; 9thmeteor swarm.

Catastrophe Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Destruction

Replacement Dogma Spells: 2ndgust of wind; 3rdcall lightning; 7thcontrol weather

Rage Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Destruction

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1sttouch of gracelessness; 2ndbull’s strength; 3rdrage; 4thmoonstruck; 6thvengeful outrage; 8thblood mist

Torture Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Destruction

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stinterrogation; 2ndpain strike; 3rdexcruciating deformation; 4thretribution; 5thsymbol of pain; 6thgreater interrogation; 8thdemand; 9thtransmute blood to acid

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Priest Base Class, © 2014 Alex Abel.

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