Darkness Dogma

Granted Power: +1 caster level while in shadowy illumination or dimmer

Dogma Spells: 1stobscuring mist; 2nddarkness; 3rddeeper darkness; 4thshadow conjuration; 5thshadow evocation; 6thshadow walk; 7thpower word blind; 8thgreater shadow evocation; 9thshades

Loss Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Darkness

Replacement Dogma Spells: 2ndblindness/deafness; 4thenervation; 5thmind fog; 6thmodify memory; 8thantipathy; 9thenergy drain

Moon Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Darkness

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stfaerie fire; 2ndprotective penumbra; 4thmoonstruck; 6thdream; 7thlunar veil

Night Subdogma

Associated Dogma(s): Darkness

Replacement Dogma Spells: 1stsleep; 3rddeep slumber; 5thsymbol of sleep; 6thnightmare; 9thpolar midnight

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Priest Base Class, © 2014 Alex Abel.

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