Biddlywink Chrysalis

Biddlywink Chrysalis CR 1/8

XP 50
CN Diminutive fey (vermin)


AC* 10, touch 6, flat-footed 10 (-5 Dex, +1 size, +4 soft cover) *when not in impervious interdimensional space hp 10 (1d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref —, Will +3; Weaknesses Biddlywink chrysalises are vulnerable to silver and take x1.5 damage from all attacks made with the material. Whenever being treated as a vermin would prove negative for the biddlywink chrysalis, such as when fighting an opponent with favored enemy (vermin), they are treated as the vermin type.


None (stationary; no attacks)—A biddlywink chrysalis, when attached to a biddlytree, is a part of a group consciousness that controls the biddlytree and has no action as an individual creature.


Str 1, Dex 1, Con 18, Int 1, Wis 1, Cha 1

Elevated nearly 20-feet from the ground and provided soft cover by the branches and needles of its biddlytree. A pupae immediately begins to weave magical cocoons around their exposed vassals, up to their cremaster, until the entirety of each chrysalis is covered. This magical cocoon encloses the chrysalis in an impervious interdimensional space where it remains protected for the remainder of its metamorphosis into a biddlywink. When the biddlywink matures and emerges from this cocoon, it becomes absorbed into the creature’s body, becoming the fey’s interdimensional digestion sac.

Once having their first feeding upon a winkynut, the biddlywink chrysalises connect psionically to one another to form a conjoined sentience that takes over the body of the biddlytree. This hive mind utilizes the biddlytree’s natural defenses to further protect them until they have fully matured and later emerge as young biddlywinks. A biddlywink chrysalis retains the connection to its hive sentience only as long as it is physically attached to the plant.

Once the chrysalises emerge as young biddlywinks and go their separate ways, the biddlytree begins to shrivel and dies within a few days.

Within 1d4 hours of an adult biddlywink having consumed 1,000 gp x hit die worth of magic items, they seek a relatively safe place to take root and sprout into a biddlytree. This process begins when the biddlywink devours its own digestion sack, the interdimensional space within expelling outward and creating a wide anti-magic aura around the creature. It then uses the tendrils extending from its mouth to burrow, head down, into fertile soil.

Once aptly buried, the biddlywink undergoes an unusual metamorphosis as the fey dies and its body is revived as a plant type creature. The nodules at the tips of each of its tentacles detach, becoming an individual biddlywink pupae that channel their way up the tentacle that each was previously part of. The pupae make their way into the thorax of their parent’s body where they await the sprouting of the biddlytree as the parent biddlywink’s tendrils grow outward, burrowing deeper into the ground, becoming the roots of its plant form. Its previous body grows and extends upwards to become the trunk of the new biddlytree sapling. During the first 24-hours of its life a biddlytree is nothing more than an unusual plant, but infused with the essence of the magic consumed in its previous form the biddlytree grows exceptionally fast, becoming fully grown and standing nearly 30-feet tall in just 12-hours after taking root (at which point it becomes infested with 2d12 biddlywink chrysalises).

Should a biddlytree be successfully communicated with, its biddlywink chrysalises respond in unison in such a way that the creature communicating with it understands that the plant’s sentience is composed of multiple beings. The only message they convey can essentially be understood as, “go away!,” or, “leave us be!”. Searching the emotions or thoughts of a biddlytree reveals only a sense of fear and irritation directed towards the interloper.

A mature biddlywink tree has a twisted network of roots that stretch beneath the soil and outward over 40 ft. from the trunk in every earthly direction. The trunk, nearly 3 ft. in diameter, thick and stout, is covered by a very solid bluish-grey, rind-like bark.

The base of the biddlytree’s trunk grows between 20 and 30 ft. high, with 4 to 8 long, nodeless and tapered branches asymmetrically extending outward from the crown another ten feet. Each of these branches is covered by thousands of multi-colored, dual-toned needles known as biddlypines. The biddlypines, covered in a thin coating of poison sap, range in length from a few inches at the branch apexes to almost two feet at the midrib. The needles grow laterally in an elliptical arrangement tapering again near the crown of the biddlytree, making them to appear much like a palm leaf.

The wide assortment of colors and shades of the biddlypines give the needled branches an undulating rainbow-like appearance in even the slightest of breezes. At the top of the biddlytree’s crown are inverted several bulbous indigo fruits known as winkynuts.


The crown of a biddlywink tree hosts several palm-sized, hard-shelled fruits known as winkynuts. Their deep indigo colored shells are filled with a lightly-glowing iridescent jelly-like substance that is intended to feed the biddlytree’s biddlywink chrysalises. Winkynuts are considered to be very tasty and a surprisingly filling delicacy; the fruit is often sought after by wealthy merchants who travel long distances and value it for its durability, longevity, and a single winkynut’s natural ability to sustain a hungry individual for a week or longer. There are as many winkynuts on a biddlytree as there were biddlywink chrysalises attached to it.

The jelly inside a winkynut is magical in nature and it glows with a faint transmutation aura (CL 3rd) if detect magic is cast upon it. A character that consumes the sweet tasting jelly contained inside a single winkynut does not thirst or hunger for 1d10 days. The duration of this effect can be stacked by eating the jelly of multiple winkynuts, up to a maximum of 10 days. Once plucked from a biddlytree, a winkynut stays fresh and edible for up to a year.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

Aventyr Bestiary © 2017 AAW GAMES LLC Authors Mike Myler, Jonathan G. Nelson Developers, Michael Allen, Curtis Baum, Wolfgang Baur, Brian Berg, Adam Daigle, Jeffrey Gomez, Joshua Gullion, Jacob Kellogg, Jared Jeanquart, Juan Lucha, Justin Andrew Mason, Jonathan McAnulty, Michael McCarthy, Raven Mimura, Brian Wiborg Monster, Will Myers, Mike Myler, Jason Nelson, Jonathan G. Nelson, Owen K.C. Stephens, Colin Stricklin, Cory Vickruck, Stephen Yeardley Jonathan G. Nelson

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