Gourmend/Herbalist Find Herbs Tables

Note: Many of the options below are marked with asterisks. These don’t matter for standard searches, but some archetypes (such as the Entomologist) interact with the Find Herbs table in different ways, and typically don’t collect any herbs marked this way. See each archetype for more details on how they use these tables.

10-Point Desert Find Herbs Table
d20 Plants Found
1 Barbary Fig x1*, Cholla Cactus, Desert Thorn-Apple x1*, Palmer’s Agave x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1*
2 Barbary Fig x1, Cholla Cactus x1, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Elderberries x1*, Palo Verde Bark x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1, Spider Milkweed x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1*
3 Barbary Fig x1, Cholla Cactus x1*, Cinderbloom x1*, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Needlegrass x1, Palo Verde Bark x1, Spider Milkweed x1, Venus Hair Fern x1
4 Barbary Fig x1, Cinderbloom x1, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Elderberries x1, Palmer’s Agave x1*
5 Barbary Fig x1*, Cinderbloom x1*, Desert Thorn-Apple x1*, Elderberries x1, Palo Verde Bark x1*, Specifitine x1, Ubiquitine x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1
6 Barbary Fig x1, Cinderbloom x1*, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1, Specifitine x2*, Ubiquitine x2, Venus Hair Fern x1
7 Barbary Fig x1*, Desert Thorn-Apple x1*, Flametongue x1, Palmer’s Agave x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1*
8 Barbary Fig x1, Cinderbloom x1*, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Flametongue x1, Palo Verde Bark x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1*, Ubiquitine x1, Venus Hair Fern x1*
9 Barbary Fig x1, Cholla Cactus x1, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Opium Poppy x1*, Spider Milkweed x1, Venus Hair Fern x1
10 Barbary Fig x1, Cinderbloom x1, Palmer’s Agave x1*, Palo Verde Bark x1, Specifitine x1, Venus Hair Fern x1
11 Barbary Fig x1, Cholla Cactus x1*, Creosote Bush x1, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Palo Verde Bark x1*, Specifitine x1*
12 Barbary Fig x1*, Cinderbloom x1, Needlegrass x1*, Opium Poppy x1, Palo Verde Bark x1*, Spider Milkweed x1*
13 Barbary Fig x2, Elderberries x1, Needlegrass x1, Opium Poppy x1*, Spider Milkweed x1
14 Barbary Fig x1, Cholla Cactus x1, Creosote Bush x1, Needlegrass x1, Palo Verde Bark x1, Spider Milkweed x1
15 Barbary Fig x1*, Desert Thorn-Apple x1, Elderberries x1, Flametongue x1, Needlegrass x1*, Palo Verde Bark x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1*, Speficitine x1*
16 Barbary Fig x1, Flametongue x1, Needlegrass x1, Palo Verde Bark x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1, Specifitine x2*, Ubiquitine x2*
17 Barbary Fig x1*, Creosote Bush x1, Elderberries x1*, Scarlet Pimpernel x1, Specifitine x1*, Spider Milkweed x1
18 Barbary Fig x1, Flametongue x1*, Needlegrass x1, Specifitine x2, Spider Milkweed x1*, Ubiquitine x2, Venus Hair Fern x1*
19 Barbary Fig x1, Flametongue x1, Needlegrass x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1, Specifitine x2, Spider Milkweed x1*, Ubiquitine x2*
20 Barbary Fig x1*, Creosote Bush x1, Flametongue x1*, Needlegrass x1, Scarlet Pimpernel x1, Spider Milkweed x1*
10-Point Forest Find Herbs Table
d20 Plants Found
1 Baneberry x1*, Black Alder Bark x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Ubiquitine x1, Wild Strawberry x1*, Yellow Morel x1
2 Baneberry x1, Chimera’s Fang x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Puckerberry x1, Wild Strawberry x1
3 Acorn x1, Baneberry x1, Black Alder Bark x1, Common Yarrow x1*, Conkers x1*, Dryad’s Saddle x1*, Hen of the Woods x1, Muskroot x1, Venus Hair Fern x1*
4 Baneberry x1, Common Yarrow x1, Dryad’s Saddle x1, Elderberries x1, Venus Hair Fern x1, Yellow Morel x1*
5 Baneberry x1*, Black Alder Bark x1, Chimera’s Fang x1, Common Yarrow x1, Elderberries x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1*
6 Acorn x1, Common Yarrow x1, Conkers x1, Dryad’s Saddle x1*, Fool’s Parsley x1*, Hen of the Woods x1, Muskroot x2, Venus Hair Fern x1*
7 Black Alder Bark x1*, Common Yarrow x1*, Fool’s Parsley x1, Hen of the Woods x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1, Yellow Morel x1
8 Chimera’s Fang x1, Common Yarrow x1, Hen of the Woods x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1, Wild Strawberry x1*
9 Acorn x1, Black Alder Bark x1*, Common Yarrow x1*, Conkers x1, Fool’s Parsley x1*, Muskroot x2, Puckerberry x1, Venus Hair Fern x1*
10 Common Yarrow x1, Elderberries x1, Fool’s Parsley x1, Muskroot x1, Venus Hair Fern x1, Yellow Morel x1*
11 Acorn x1, Black Alder Bark x1, Chimera’s Fang x1, Common Yarrow x1*, Dryad’s Saddle x1*, Fool’s Parsley x1, Ubiquitine x2*
12 Acorn x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Conkers x1*, Fool’s Parsley x1, Muskroot x1, Puckerberry x1*, Ubiquitine x1, Wild Strawberry x1
13 Common Yarrow x1, Conkers x1*, Dryad’s Saddle x1, Elderberries x1, Fool’s Parsley x1, Hen of the Woods x1*, Muskroot x1*, Ubiquitine x1
14 Acorn x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Conkers x1, Dryad’s Saddle x1, Elderberries x1*, Fool’s Parsley x1, Hen of the Woods x1, Muskroot x1*
15 Black Alder Bark x1, Common Yarrow x1*, Dryad’s Saddle x1*, Elderberries x1, Fool’s Parsley x1, Muskroot x2*, Puckerberry x1
16 Acorn x1, Baneberry x1, Common Yarrow x1, Conkers x1, Dryad’s Saddle x1, Muskroot x1, Puckerberry x1*, Wild Strawberry x1*
17 Baneberry x1, Black Alder Bark x1, Common Yarrow x1, Destroying Angel x1*, Fool’s Parsley x1, Hen of the Woods x1
18 Acorn x1, Baneberry x1, Common Yarrow x1, Conkers x1, Destroying Angel x1*, Elderberries x1
19 Acorn x1, Baneberry x1*, Black Alder Bark x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Conkers x1*, Destroying Angel x1, Muskroot x1*
20 Acorn x1, Baneberry x1, Common Yarrow x1*, Conkers x1*, Destroying Angel x1, Wild Strawberry x1*
10-Point Grassland Find Herbs Table
d20 Plants Found
1 Barbary Fig x1, Black Alder x1, Pricklegrass x1, Standard Bearer x1*, Wild Strawberry x1
2 Barbary Fig x1, Common Yarrow x1, Fool’s Parsley x1, Groundelder x1, Hemlock x1*, Wild Strawberry x1
3 Barbary Fig x1, Black Alder x1, Late Spider Orchid x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Springroot x1, Yellow Morel x1*
4 Common Yarrow x2*, Fool’s Parsley x1, Pricklegrass x1*, Standard Bearer x1, Ubiquitine x1
5 Barbary Fig x1, Black Alder x1*, Pheasant’s Eye x1*, Hemlock x1, Ubiquitine x1, Vanilla Grass x1*
6 Barbary Fig x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Fool’s Parsley x1, Late Spider Orchid x1*, Wild Strawberry x1*, Yellow Morel x1
7 Barbary Fig x1*, Black Alder x2, Needlegrass x1*, Pheasant’s Eye x1*, Standard Bearer x1, Wolfsbane x1*
8 Common Yarrow x1, Fool’s Parsley x1, Hemlock x1, Needlegrass x1*, Ubiquitine x1*, Vanilla Grass x1*
9 Barbary Fig x1, Black Alder x1*, Needlegrass x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1*, Pricklegrass x1*, Yellow Morel x1
10 Barbary Fig x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Fool’s Parsley x2*, Needlegrass x1, Standard Bearer x1, Wolfsbane x1*
11 Barbary Fig x1, Black Alder x1, Hemlock x1*, Needlegrass x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Wild Strawberry x1
12 Common Yarrow x2, Fool’s Parsley x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Springroot x1, Yellow Morel x1*
13 Barbary Fig x1, Black Alder x1*, Fool’s Parsley x1, Groundelder x1, Needlegrass x3*, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Vanilla Grass x1
14 Barbary Fig x1, Common Yarrow x1, Fool’s Parsley x1, Groundelder x1*, Late Spider Orchid x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1*, Pricklegrass x1, Ubiquitine x2*
15 Barbary Fig x1, Black Alder x2*, Groundelder x2, Late Spider Orchid x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Wild Strawberry x1*, Wolfsbane x1
16 Common Yarrow x3, Fool’s Parsley x2, Groundelder x1, Vanilla Grass x2*
17 Barbary Fig x2, Black Alder x2, Groundelder x2*, Late Spider Orchid x2, Wolfsbane x2*
18 Barbary Fig x1, Common Yarrow x1, Fool’s Parsley x2, Groundelder x1*, Late Spider Orchid x1*, Pricklegrass x1*, Springroot x1
19 Barbary Fig x1*, Black Alder x2, Groundelder x2, Late Spider Orchid x2*, Vanilla Grass x1, Wolfsbane x1*
20 Common Yarrow x2*, Fool’s Parsley x2, Groundelder x1, Late Spider Orchid x1, Springroot x1*, Wild Strawberry x1
10-Point Jungle Find Herbs Table
d20 Plants Found
1 Carrion Flower x1, Cocoa x1, Dragon’s Maw x1, Harmony Fruit x1*, Pineapple x1, Seerbrush x1
2 Carrion Flower x1, Cocoa x1, Emperor’s Candlesticks x1, Night-Blooming Jasmine x1*, Pineapple x1, Seerbrush x1
3 Carrion Flower x1, Cocoa x1, Dragon’s Maw x1, Manmelter Vine x1*, Pineapple x1, Seerbrush x1
4 Carrion Flower x1, Cocoa x1, Emperor’s Candlesticks x1, Harmony Fruit x1*, Pineapple x1, Seerbrush x1
5 Carrion Flower x1, Madagascar Periwinkle x1, Night-Blooming Jasmine x1*, Pineapple x1, Seerbrush x1, Ubiquitine x1
6 Carrion Flower x1, Cocoa x1, Liana x1, Manmelter Vine x1*, Pineapple x1, Screaming Creeper x1
7 Carrion Flower x1*, Cocoa x1*, Harmony Fruit x1, Madagascar Periwinkle x1, Pineapple x1, Root Spore x1*
8 Chameleon Bloom x1*, Emperor’s Candlesticks x1, Liana x1, Night-Blooming Jasmine x1, Pineapple x1*, Shaman’s Assistant x1*
9 Dragon’s Maw x1*, Madagascar Periwinkle x1, Manmelter Vine x1, Pineapple x1, Screaming Creeper x1*, Shaman’s Assistant x1*
10 Cocoa x1, Harmony Fruit x1, Liana x1*, Pineapple x1*, Root Spore x1*, Shaman’s Assistant x1
11 Chameleon Bloom x1, Dragon’s Maw x1*, Madagascar Periwinkle x1*, Night-Blooming Jasmine x1, Pineapple x1*, Shaman’s Assistant x1*
12 Emperor’s Candlesticks x1*, Liana x1*, Manmelter Vine x1, Pineapple x1*, Screaming Creeper x1, Shaman’s Assistant x1*
13 Dragon’s Maw x1*, Harmony Fruit x1, Madagascar Periwinkle x1*, Pineapple x1*, Root Spore x1, Shaman’s Assistant x1*
14 Chameleon Bloom x1, Emperor’s Candlesticks x1*, Night-Blooming Jasmine x1, Pineapple x1*, Pink Wood Sorrel x1*, Shaman’s Assistant x1*
15 Magagascar Periwinkle x1, Manmelter Vine x1*, Pineapple x1, Pink Wood Sorrel x1, Screaming Creeper x1, Ubiquitine x1
16 Harmony Fruit x1*, Liana x1, Pineapple x1, Pink Wood Sorrel x1, Root Spore x1, Ubiquitine x1
17 Chameleon Bloom x1, Dragon’s Maw x1, Night-Blooming Jasmine x1*, Pineapple x1, Pink Wood Sorrel x1, Ubiquitine x1
18 Emperor’s Candlesticks x1, Liana x1*, Manmelter Vine x1, Pineapple x1, Pink Wood Sorrel x1*, Screaming Creeper x1*
19 Dragon’s Maw x1, Harmony Fruit x1, Madagascar Periwinkle x1*, Pineapple x1*, Pink Wood Sorrel x1, Root Spore x1*
20 Chameleon Bloom x1, Emperor’s Candlesticks x1*, Liana x1*, Night-Blooming Jasmine x1, Pineapple x1*, Pink Wood Sorrel x1*
10-Point Mountains Find Herbs Table
d20 Plants Found
1 Common Yarrow x1, Drowning Man x1, Frostcap x1, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1, Wild Angelica x1
2 Common Yarrow x1, Deeproot Creeper x1, Fang of the Mountain x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Venus Hair Fern x1, Wild Angelica x1
3 Coldsnap x1, Common Yarrow x1, Deeproot Creeper x1, Drowning Man x1, Heart of the Mountain x1*, Muskroot x1
4 Chokevine x1*, Coldsnap x1*, Common Yarrow x2, Frostcap x1, Muskroot x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1
5 Common Yarrow x2, Deeproot Creeper x1, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Holy Ghost x1, Muskroot x1, Ubiquitine x1
6 Common Yarrow x1*, Drowning Man x1*, Fang of the Mountain x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Venus Hair Fern x1*, Wild Angelica x1*
7 Common Yarrow x1, Deeproot Creeper x1*, Frostcap x1*, Heart of the Mountain x1, Holy Ghost x1, Muskroot x1*
8 Chokevine x1, Cinderbloom x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Deeproot Creeper x1, Frostcap x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1*, Ubiquitine x1*
9 Cinderbloom x1*, Common Yarrow x1, Drowning Man x1, Fang of the Mountain x1, Holy Ghost x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1*
10 Acidbite Lichen x1, Coldsnap x2*, Common Yarrow x1, Deeproot Creeper x1, Holy Ghost x1, Venus Hair Fern x1
11 Common Yarrow x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Heart of the Mountain x1, Muskroot x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1, Wild Angelica x2*
12 Chokevine x1, Cinderbloom x2*, Drowning Man x2, Hair of the Mountain x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1
13 Chokevine x1, Deeproot Creeper x1, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Holy Ghost x2*, Muskroot x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1*
14 Cinderbloom x1, Common Yarrow x1, Deeproot Creeper x1*, Drowning Man x1*, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Pheasant’s Eye x1*, Ubiquitine x1
15 Chokevine x1*, Coldsnap x1, Common Yarrow x1, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Muskroot x1*, Venus Hair Fern x1*
16 Cinderbloom x1*, Chokevine x1, Drowning Man x2*, Hair of the Mountain x2, Pheasant’s Eye x1, Wild Angelica x1
17 Chokevine x1, Coldsnap x1, Deeproot Creeper x1, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1
18 Acidbite Lichen x1, Gnomish Puffball x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Holy Ghost x1, Venus Hair Fern x1, Wild Angelica x1
19 Acidbite Lichen x1, Fang of the Mountain x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Holy Ghost x1, Muskroot x1, Pheasant’s Eye x1
20 Acidbite Lichen x1*, Hair of the Mountain x2*, Heart of the Mountain x1, Holy Ghost x1, Wild Angelica x1
10-Point Tundra Find Herbs Table
d20 Plants Found
1 Arctic Poppy x1*, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Puff x1, Rampant Liverwort x1
2 Acidbite Lichen x1*, Frostcap x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Moss Campion x1, Phosphor Weed x1, Shardbloom x1, Specifitine x1, Ubiquitine x1
3 Arctic Poppy x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1*, Phosphor Puff x1, Specifitine x1*, Ubiquitine x1*
4 Acidbite Lichen x1*, Coldsnap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Weed x1, Rampant Liverwort x1*, Shardbloom x1*, Specifitine x1, Ubiquitine x1
5 Arctic Poppy x1*, Fly Amanita x1, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Moss Campion x1, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1
6 Acidbite Lichen x1, Fly Amanita x1*, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Moss Campion x1*, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1*
7 Acidbite Lichen x1, Arctic Poppy x1, Fly Amanita x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Moss Campion x1*, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1*
8 Acidbite Lichen x1, Coldsnap x1, Fly Amanita x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Moss Campion x1*, Phosphor Weed x1*, Shardbloom x1*, Specifitine x1*
9 Coldsnap x1, Fly Amanita x1, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Moss Campion x1, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1
10 Acidbite Lichen x1, Fly Amanita x1*, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Moss Campion x1, Phosphor Weed x1, Rampant Liverwort x1*, Shardbloom x1*
11 Fly Amanita x1, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Moss Campion x1, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1, Phosphor Puff x1
12 Coldsnap x1*, Fly Amanita x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Phosphor Puff x1, Phosphor Weed x1*, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shardbloom x1, Specifitine x1
13 Fly Amanita x1, Gnomish Puffball x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Rampant Liverwort x1*, Shardbloom x2*, Specifitine x1*
14 Coldsnap x1, Fly Amanita x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Phosphor Puff x1*, Phosphor Weed x1, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shardbloom x1, Specifitine x1
15 Coldsnap x1, Fly Amanita x1, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shardbloom x1
16 Acidbite Lichen x1*, Coldsnap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Moss Campion x1, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1*, Phosphor Weed x1, Specifitine x1, Ubiquitine x1
17 Fang of the Mountain x1*, Frostcap x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Moss Campion x1, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1, Ubiquitine x1
18 Fang of the Mountain x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1, Phosphor Puff x1*, Phosphor Weed x1, Ubiquitine x1*
19 Fang of the Mountain x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shardbloom x1, Specifitine x1, Ubiquitine x1
20 Fang of the Mountain x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Old Man Winter’s Beard x1*, Phosphor Puff x1, Phosphor Weed x1*, Ubiquitine x1*

10-Point Underground Find Herbs Table

d20 Plants Found
1 Acidbite Lichen x1, Drowning Man x1, Flametongue x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Mushroom x1*
2 Drowning Man x1, Flametongue x1, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Shadowbloom x1
3 Drowning Man x1*, Flametongue x1, Gnomish Puffball x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Phosphor Weed x1*, Ubiquitine x1*
4 Drowning Man x1*, Flametongue x1*, Fly Amanita x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Weed x1, Shadowbloom x1, Specifitine x1, Ubiquitine x1
5 Brighteye x1*, Drowning Man x1, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Phosphor Mushroom x1, Shardbloom x1*, Specifitine x1*
6 Brighteye x1, Fly Amanita x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Puff x1, Phosphor Weed x1, Shadowbloom x1*, Rampant Liverwort x1, Specifitine x1*
7 Drowning Man x1*, Fly Amanita x1, Gnomish Puffball x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Weed x1*, Specifitine x1*, Ubiquitine x1*
8 Brighteye x1, Drowning Man x1*, Fly Amanita x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Puff x1*, Phosphor Weed x1, Shadowbloom x1, Ubiquitine x1*
9 Brighteye x1, Hair of the Mountain x2*, Phosphor Mushroom x1, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shardbloom x1*, Specifitine x1*
10 Acidbite Lichen x1*, Brighteye x1, Hair of the Mountain x2, Phosphor Weed x1, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shadowbloom x1*, Specifitine x1
11 Acidbite Lichen x1, Destroying Angel x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Weed x2, Shardbloom x1
12 Acidbite Lichen x1*, Brighteye x1, Drowning Man x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Shadowbloom x1, Shardbloom x2, Specifitine x1*
13 Drowning Man x1, Flametongue x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Mushroom x1, Phosphor Weed x1*, Rampant Liverwort x1*
14 Acidbite Lichen x1*, Drowning Man x1, Flametongue x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Puff x1*, Rampant Liverwort x1, Specifitine x1
15 Brighteye x2, Destroying Angel x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Weed x1, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shardbloom x1
16 Fly Amanita x2, Gnomish Puffball x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Weed x1, Rampant Liverwort x1, Shardbloom x1
17 Destroying Angel x1, Fly Amanita x2*, Hair of the Mountain x1, Phosphor Puff x1*, Shardbloom x1
18 Acidbite Lichen x1, Brighteye x2*, Flametongue x1*, Fly Amanita x1, Hair of the Mountain x1, Shardbloom x1, Specifitine x1
19 Destroying Angel x1, Fly Amanita x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Phosphor Puff x1*, Shardbloom x2
20 Acidbite Lichen x1, Brighteye x1*, Fly Amanita x1*, Hair of the Mountain x1*, Phosphor Puff x1, Shardbloom x1*, Specifitine x2

10-Point UnderwaterFind Herbs Table

d20 Plants Found
1 Fanged Algae x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Posidonia x1, Sawweed x1, Shadowbloom x1, Trident of the Current Lord x1*
2 Drowned Hemlock x1*, False Coral Snake x1, Fanged Algae x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Posidonia x1, Shadowbloom x1
3 Fanged Algae x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Posidonia x1, Sawweed x1, Shadowbloom x1, Water Aloe x1*
4 False Coral Snake x1, Fanged Algae x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Posidonia x1, Shadowbloom x1, Trident of the Current Lord x1*
5 Drowned Hemlock x1*, Drowning Man x1, Fanged Algae x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Shadowbloom x1, Ubiquitine x1
6 Dwarf Cattail x1, Fanged Algae x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Posidonia x1, Water Aloe x1*, Water Lily x1
7 Drowning Man x1, Fanged Algae x1*, Flametongue x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Posidonia x1*, Trident of the Current Lord x1
8 Carrageenan x1*, Coldsnap x1*, Drowned Hemlock x1, Dwarf Cattail x1, False Coral Snake x1, Marsh Mallow x1*
9 Carrageenan x1*, Drowning Man x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Sawweed x1*, Water Aloe x1, Water Lily x1*
10 Carrageenan x1, Dwarf Cattail x1*, Flametongue x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Posidonia x1, Trident of the Current Lord x1
11 Carrageenan x1*, Coldsnap x1, Drowned Hemlock x1, Drowning Man x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Sawweed x1*
12 Carrageenan x1*, Dwarf Cattail x1*, False Coral Snake x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Water Aloe x1, Water Lily x1
13 Carrageenan x1*, Drowning Man x1*, Flametongue x1, Marsh Mallow x1*, Sawweed x1*, Trident of the Current Lord x1
14 Carrageenan x1*, Coldsnap x1, Drowned Hemlock x1, False Coral Snake x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Weirdlock x1*
15 Drowning Man x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Ubiquitine x1, Water Aloe x1*, Water Lily x1, Weirdlock x1
16 Dwarf Cattail x1, Flametongue x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Trident of the Current Lord x1*, Ubiquitine x1, Weirdlock x1
17 Coldsnap x1, Drowned Hemlock x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Sawweed x1, Ubiquitine x1, Weirdlock x1
18 Dwarf Cattail x1*, False Coral Snake x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Water Aloe x1, Water Lily x1*, Weirdlock x1*
19 Drowning Man x1*, Flametongue x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Saweed x1, Trident of the Current Lord x1, Weirdlock x1
20 Coldsnap x1, Drowned Hemlock x1, Dwarf Cattail x1*, False Coral Snake x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Weirdlock x1*

10-Point Wetlands Find Herbs Table

d20 Plants Found
1 Calamus x1*, Cattail x1*, Dwarf Cattail x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Puckerberry x1, Wild Angelica x1, Wild Strawberry x1
2 Deeproot Creeper x1, Holy Ghost x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Shadowbloom x1, Swampweed x1*, Wild Angelica x1
3 Hemlock x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Marsh Marigold x1, Shadowbloom x1*, Ubiquitine x1*, Wild Angelica x1*
4 Calamus x1, Cattail x1, Drowning Man x1, Marsh Mallow x1*, Marsh Marigold x1*, Puckerberry x1*, Wild Angelica x2
5 Calamus x1, Deeproot Creeper x2*, Drowning Man x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Swampweed x1, Wild Angelica x1*
6 Dwarf Cattail x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Puckerberry x1, Shadowbloom x1, Springroot x1*, Ubiquitine x1, Wild Angelica x1*
7 Cattail x1, Drowning Man x1, Hemlock x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Wild Strawberry x1
8 Drowning Man x1, Dwarf Cattail x1, Fiddleheads x1*, Holy Ghost x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Puckerberry x1
9 Calamus x1, Cattail x1, Deeproot Creeper x1, Holy Ghost x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Shadowbloom x1*, Springroot x1*
10 Deeproot Creeper x1, Dwarf Cattail x1, Holy Ghost x1*, Marsh Mallow x2, Puckerberry x1, Shadowbloom x1*, Wild Angelica x1*
11 Calamus x1, Drowning Man x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Swampweed x1, Ubiquitine x1, Wild Strawberry x1*
12 Hemlock x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Shadowbloom x1, Springroot x1, Wild Angelica x1
13 Calamus x1, Cattail x1, Drowning Man x1, Holy Ghost x1, Marsh Mallow x1*, Marsh Marigold x1*, Puckerberry x1*, Ubiquitine x1
14 Dwarf Cattail x1, Fiddleheads x1*, Holy Ghost x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Marsh Marigold x1, Wild Strawberry x1
15 Calamus x1, Cattail x1, Drowning Man x1, Holy Ghost x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Marsh Marigold x1*, Springroot x1, Ubiquitine x1*
16 Deeproot Creeper x1, Dwarf Cattail x1, Marsh Mallow x1, Marsh Marigold x1, Shadowbloom x1, Swampweed x1
17 Calamus x1*, Hemlock x1, Marsh Mallow x1*, Springroot x1*, Wild Strawberry x1
18 Dwarf Cattail x1*, Fiddleheads x1, Holy Ghost x1*, Marsh Mallow x1*, Marsh Marigold x1*, Springroot x1
19 Calamus x1*, Deeproot Creeper x1*, Drowning Man x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Marsh Marigold x1, Shadowbloom x1, Springroot x1, Wild Angelica x1*
20 Deeproot Creeper x1, Dwarf Cattail x1, Fiddleheads x1*, Marsh Mallow x1, Marsh Marigold x1, Wild Strawberry x1
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